Secondary school students
Our pre-16 activities and resources will support you in exploring science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects, encourage you to continue your studies at GCSE, BTEC, A Level and beyond, and get help you plan your future.
Outreach Activities for Pre-16 Students
Student Ambassador Talks
Our specially trained undergraduate students will talk about their journeys and inspire you to progress in STEM at GCSE, BTEC, A Level and beyond!
Campus Experience Days
Experience life as an undergraduate student with access to world-class research, academics and facilities.
Medicine – Not Just About Medics
The subject of Medicine interests many students, however not all will become doctors. Teams of scientists, engineers and mathematicians work alongside medical doctors, helping them to understand the spread of disease, discover better treatments and cures, and develop technology to aid more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Maths Masterclasses
The Masterclasses are designed to stimulate and encourage pupils in the art and practice of Mathematics. They cover topics which are not normally taught in schools as part of the syllabus.
Materials Science Award
A introduction to engineering subjects for school groups in year 7 - 9. Activity includes workshops in school, on campus and a celebration event.
F1 in Schools Academy
The University of Leeds School of Mechanical Engineering & STEM Outreach Team have partnered with F1 in Schools to provide a 'Centre of Excellence' for local secondary schools and colleges taking part in the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge.
Studying at Leeds
Our Digital Outreach Hub
Discover our programme of talks, webinars and study resources that provide information, advice and guidance to help you through each step of your journey towards becoming a university student.